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Cancelled - Nanticoke River Multi-Sport Festival-2020

Sun May 3, 2020 Bivalve, MD 21814 US Directions



10:00AM EDT - 1:00PM EDT


8:45AM EDT - 9:45AM EDT


10:00AM EDT - 1:00PM EDT


10:00AM EDT - 1:00PM EDT
Teams Can Be 2 or 3 Persons

Triathlon Relay

10:00AM EDT - 1:00PM EDT


We hope this finds you and your families well.  Today’s message is bitter sweet.  As you all have probably expected, the Nanticoke River Multisport Festival has been cancelled for this year.  Anyone who has registered and paid will receive a refund and there will be NO deferrals to next year.     This year would have marked the 13th year of our event …. I think …. (I’ve had way too much fun).  We have had the honor of watching many of you race your very first triathlon here, and the joy of seeing you return to Bivalve the first Sunday of each May. We have loved being part of the friendships and camaraderie that the multisport community fosters after the race is over and the awards are announced. We’ve shared beers and burgers and a whole lot of laughs.   None of this would have happened without the tireless support of our volunteers and sponsors. Your generosity-with your time, resources, food, and energy have given our little race the energy of a big-time event.  If I try to name everyone on the board and our sponsors you know I’ll miss someone and look like a fool, which yes I am perfectly capable of on my own.  With that said, this will be my last year as race director. TCR Event Management (Jason and Laura Chance) will host the event beginning in 2021, and I am confident that it will continue to thrive under their leadership.  Yes you will still see the same faces because a) we love all of you and b) we can’t let Jason and Laura have all this fun alone oh oh oh and c) it’s the only place anyone will let me heckle you from across the marina with a microphone. 

TCR will just be adding Nanticoke to all the other great events they host on the shore:

May 31st Crisfield Triathlon

June 27th Pocomoke Triathlon

Sept 27th Back Bay Triathlon (The old Osprey Event)

October 17th Mighty Matapeake Multisport Festival

While you are sitting home please check out Jason and Laura’s Event and Shop Sites

It’s been a good run ….. Cheers!!!

Mike Lahey

Here Are Your Options:

You understand that events are expensive, even when cancelled, and you want us to keep your registration fees to help cover our costs. We deeply appreciate your generosity and look forward to seeing you at an event soon.

We understand. We hope you can join us next time.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


20945 Harbor View Road
Cedar Hill Marina
Bivalve, MD US 21814


Due to the Corona Virus the 2020 Event has been cancelled for 2020


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