This event is for the purpose of increasing public awareness about issues related to Autism, advocating for services for individuals with Autism and their families. This event will provide information about support groups and programs available in the community and surrounding areas. The money raised at the event will go towards future events and for individuals with Autism and their families.
Registration is Free and can be done by clicking on the sign up tab.
If you wish to become a volunteer click on the volunteer tab.
If you wish to become a sponsor please click the questions tab at the bottom.
If you do not wish to register or cannot attend the event you can still donate by clicking on the Donate tab. If you wish to donate under a team you can do so on your registration tab. It will ask you to pick a team on the donation page. If you do not wish to register for the event, but would still like to donate under a team you can do so by contacting the team captain and getting the page link or you can find the team listed on the donate tab.
If you wish to create a team, click on the donate tab, and then become a fundraiser and create your team page. This page will allow each team to have a separate roster of donations to keep track of how much each team has raised. Your donor must sign up to receive a registration ID number for the day of the walk.
Awards will be given for the team with the most members, and the highest donations raised. Each team will be given a participation certificate at the end of the event.
Each team is allowed to wear a team picked color or customized shirts.
If you wish to register after the deadline you can do so on the day of the event at the registration table.
Day of the Event Activities
- Face painting
- Games
- Vendors
- Food and Drinks
- Music
- Raffled Items
- Awareness Walk
- Recognition of sponsors and top donors
- Awards
Event T-Shirt sales are separate from donations and you do not have to donate or purchase a T-shirt to register for the event.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Join Us April 16, 2022
April is Autism Awareness Month. Come out and help raise autism awareness and acceptance for those with Autism and their families.
Support The Autism Community
This is an opportunity for our community to come together to show that it is okay to be different.
Babe Ruth Baseball Field
4240 West Horne Ave.
Farmville, NC 27828
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Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.