Goose Bay, NL CA A0P1E0
Awaken your soul in Labrador and be inspired by immense community spirit and the rich local heritage. The Trapline Marathon events are run annually during the Thanksgiving Weekend in October, in honor of the many trappers that left North West River and trekked inland to tend to their trap lines each fall.
The event is unique, cultural, challenging and very scenic. Labrador is one of Canada's final frontiers and the combination of freedom and cool temperatures are a recipe for your personal best! The Full Marathon, Half Marathon and 10k are all certified point to point courses. We bus you to the start and you run full tilt to the finish line where a traditional feast and all of your new friends await.
The Trapline truly is one of Canada’s best kept running secrets that promises value and memories for a lifetime.
Please note that headphones and earbuds are strickly prohibited in all races. Registration charges are in US$ dollars and subject to a processing fee.
Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Headphone/Music Policy
In accordance with NLAA regulations, runners are prohibited from wearing earbuds or other headphones during the event. These devices impair participants' ability to hear other runners, vehicle traffic, and other potential hazards and thus create a safety risk for the individual, other runners, volunteers, road marshals, and traffic.
Although we know that many runners enjoy listening to music while exercising, music played on MP3 players, phones, or other mobile devices can be disruptive to other runners. The Trappers' Running Club and NLAA respectfully ask you to leave your music at home on race day and instead enjoy the tranquility of a Labrador fall day.
This event is organized entirely by volunteers. As such, we want to reduce the the risks associated with potential injury for all involved. Race officials may confiscate headphones at the start line or disqualify the runner if s/he is not compliant with this policy.
Cancellation and Transfer Policy
Race entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. That means that once we receive and accept your entry, you will not receive a refund if you cannot participate and you will not be able to defer your entry for another year. You will also not be able to transfer your entry to another runner. In the event that the race sells out, we will start a first-come first serve wait list, at which time registered runners may request a refund. This can be provided at the discretion of the race director.
Trapline Marathon, in accordance with organizers, town officials and local law enforcement has the authority to cancel any of the events for emergency purposes such as, but not limited to, inclement weather or threat of terrorism. If such emergency conditions force cancellation, refunds cannot be provided since funds will have been spent in preparation for Race Day.
Newfoundland and Labrador Athletics Association is the governing body for road running in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Only full NLAA members are allowed to participate in the sanctioned events across the province. However, in some events non-members may compete, provided that they purchase a One Day Permit. The cost of the One Day Permit is $5. This fee is included in your race registration charge.
T-Shirts and Race Kits
Each registrant will recieve an official 2015 Trapline Marathon race shirt as a part of their race kit. Race kits, including bibs, timing tags, t-shirts, etc must be picked up on Saturday, October 10, 2015 from 1:30-3:30pm at the gym of the College of the North Atlantic in Happy Valley-Goose Bay.
We cannot garuantee t-shirt sizes. Preferences will be accomodated when possible, though shirts will be given out on a 'first-come, first-served' basis at race kit pickup.
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Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.