Hinsdale's Family Run
The Rotary Run Charity Classic, Hinsdale's Family Run, has been RUNNING STRONG for over 30 YEARS! A lot has changed in 30 years, but the Rotary Run still offers low prices, a discounted family fee and races for every member and ability level in your family-all while raising money for local and international charitable work! Join us for the 30th Rotary Run Charity Classic, the best one yet!
Thank you to our Overall Sponsoring Organization for the 2024 Hinsdale Rotary Run Charity Classic: U Chicago Medicine Advent Health Hinsdale
Event Information & Times
Races and Information
EVENT LOCATION: All events begin in Robbins Park, directly east of The Community
House at the intersection of 7th and Vine Streets and finish on 8th Street in front of
The Community House.
-Hinsdale Bank & Trust10K Run - 8:30am start
-The Rooney Family 5K Run - 8:45am start
-The MPS Loria Financial Planners 3K Run - 8:50am start
-The Jaguar-Land Rover Hinsdale 5K Walk- 8:55am start
-DeSitter Flooring 3K Walk - 8:55am start
-Murphy Construction The Mutt Strut - 8:55am start
9:45 AM: School District 181 Mascot Race (At finish line) Race Awards and School
T-shirt & Bib Pick Up
T-shirt and bib pick up will be 9/27 from 8:00am-2:00pm and 9/28 from 6:00-8:00am at The Community House
In order to guarantee t-shirt size or quantity, all registrations must be in by September 10th.
Course Maps & information
Race Maps and Routes are available HERE
What is and is not allowed on the course?
The 10K and 5K runs do not allow bicycles, in-line skates, other wheeled vehicles
(except wheelchairs and hand cranks) and dogs. Baby joggers and strollers are allowed
in all events, but must line up at the back of the start line for the 10K and 5K runs.
There is plenty of street parking within several blocks of The Community House.
Additional parking is located at Madison School, 611 S Madison St, Hinsdale, IL 60521
at the Hinsdale Central High School, 5550 S Grant St, Hinsdale, IL 60521.
Event Refunds, Deferrals, and Cancellation Policy
This event is approved by the venue to occur as a live in-person event. Our participant guarantee is as follows: If this event is canceled due to COVID-19, participants will have the option to participate virtually, or to simply donate the registration fee to the Hinsdale Rotary Run Charity Classic. (participants choice).In all other circumstances, participants must agree that refunds and deferrals will NOT be issued for any reason, including participant injury, illness, and any other issues out of the control of the event, including, but not limited to cancellation due to weather/lightning.
Run/Walk Contact Info
If you have any questions about this Run/Walk, click the button below.
The Rotary Run Charity Classic is a celebration of the community. Your sponsorship supports the international and local efforts of the Hinsdale Rotary Club, as well as the missions of local non-profit organizations that the Rotary Club includes as race beneficiaries.
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Partnering with the Rotary Run Charity Classic is a very cost effective way to support your community while creating awareness of your company. Let race participants and guests see what your organization has to offer!
The Rotary Run Charity Classic and the Rotary organization are renowned for putting on great events, and you have a chance to share in this success.
Sponsorship opportunities are still available.
Like this page and invite your friends on Facebook.
Run/Walk Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your run/walk experience.