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Rotary Run Charity Classic

Sun September 28, 2025 Hinsdale, IL 60521 US Directions

Where Does the Money Go?

The Rotary Run Charity Classic donates all proceeds of the race to charity.  The charities chosen to receive donations make an impact not only locally in the west suburbs of Chicago, but also organizations that have an international impact.  We invite you to learn more about the great work of these charities listed below!

The Community House:
Based in Hinsdale and serving the surrounding suburbs, The Community House is a nonprofit organization that offers both community recreation and quality social services to people of all ages and walks of life. Our services include mental health counseling, the Charlie's Gift Autism Center and the Willowbrook Corner Learning Program.  We make a difference in the lives of thousands of families and individuals by providing local opportunities for athletics, arts and culture, counseling, education services, volunteer opportunities, and community connections.

Learn more about The Community House here

District 181 Foundation:
The District 181 Foundation delivers programming and resources to all members of the District 181 community to enrich and enhance our excellent educational system. Nationally renowned speakers, student enrichment programs (such as Young Writers Night - The 2020 Project), an after-school math assistance hotline, community service grants for students, and grants and professional development opportunities for teachers are just a few of the programs provided this year. Each year the District 181 Foundation continues to grow and innovate in collaboration with our community. Funds from the Rotary Run will be used to support our Young Writers Night Program. 
The District 181 Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) organization established to inspire community involvement, pride, and support for the exceptional education provided to all District 181 students. Since its inception in 1997, the District 181 Foundation has invested nearly $1,500,000 in District 181 schools supporting students, teachers, and parents. 

Learn more about the District 181 Foundation here

Hinsdale Hospital Foundation:
The Foundation is your partner in supporting UChicago Medicine | AdventHealth.We dedicate our efforts to promoting community awareness and maximizing philanthropy to help the Hospital care for our friends, family and neighbors - as it has for over 100 years.
Your generous gifts made through Hinsdale Hospital Foundation sustain the many programs, new technologies, and enhanced services that bring comfort and healing to our communities. Your generosity heals.

Learn more about the Hinsdale Hospital Foundation here

Hanson Center/Ray Graham Association: 
To each of the nearly 2,000 children and adults with primarily intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families that we serve throughout DuPage County and the surrounding area, the Ray Graham Association means something different.
To some we represent independence and support. To others we mean safety and comfort. To some Ray Graham Association is family. To others we offer a better life and hope for the future. To others we stand for employment and training. And to some we mean access to resources, community, recreation, health, wellness and more.
And all of them are correct.
Because Ray Graham Association is all about empowering people with disabilities. And not everyone is empowered quite the same way.
With our broad array of educational, vocational, community, respite, early intervention, recreational, home-based and residential programs and services, we are able to find just the right way to empower each of the amazing, gifted individuals we serve.
Empowering people with disabilities has been our mission since 1950.
Their success has been, and will always be, what motivates and inspires us.

Learn more the Ray Graham Association here

Rotary Club of Hinsdale Foundation:
The Rotary Club of Hinsdale Foundation follows the tenets of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International, headquartered in Evanston, Illinois, among the top U.S. foundations according to Charity Navigator.  The Rotary Foundation is an endowment fund that awards graduate, undergraduate, teacher and journalist scholarships for travel and study abroad.  Special grants support major immunization campaigns, health care, nutritional and humanitarian projects on four continents.  Through Rotary’s PolioPlus program nearly two billions children throughout the world have been immunized in conjunction with the World Health Organization and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 
Hinsdale Rotary Foundation provides college scholarships for local high school seniors, supports HCS Family Services, People’s Resource Center, has provided financial and leadership assistance for sun ovens in underdeveloped countries, water supply systems in Mexico and Guatemala, assistance for national and international disaster relief, medical care, bicycles for children of vets, and many other humanitarian projects. 

Learn more about the Rotary club Foundation here

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