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Rotary Run Charity Classic

Sun September 28, 2025 Hinsdale, IL 60521 US Directions


Congratulations on making the commitment to the Rotary Run Charity Classic! Now it's time to get ready for this event. Below is a list of philosophies, ideas and hints to help you have a great day at the race.  There are MANY training guides available online to help to get started or to help you improve your race time.  Here is a link to legendary marathoner and trainer, Hal Higdon's site with training plans for many race distances.  His training guides are considered to be realistic and extremely effective by experts in the field.  Register now and start training!  

Frequency over Duration - Rather than trying to run "long", run "often". Running four times a week for 20 minutes is far better for your preparation than running only once a week for an hour and a half. Keep the body active and make this training a habit.
Walk or jog - It’s not necessary for running to be painful. Consider running in comfort for just a minute or a few minutes and then walking for a minute to bring your heart rate down. You can easily link this together for 20, 30, 40 minutes or more and make a great workout from a walk/jog approach.
Good form - It’s better to run with good form for a short period of time and then walk for a minute to refresh - than to have that form deteriorate and run poorly. Good running promotes more good running, and the ability to run well, faster and longer. Poor running risks injury and should be avoided. Break up your runs with short bits of walking to recover and refresh so you can run well again.
Remember running isn’t just about running, you also need whole body strength. Incorporate these exercises into your training (at the gym or at home).
Core - think of your core as the entire mid section of your body; not just your abs but also the lower back and the sides of your mid section. Perform crunches for the front, crunches while twisting for the side and to help the lower back, lie flat on your stomach and raise your torso off the ground.
Chest and Arms - classic combination movements will be a huge help on race day. Perform pushups (from toes or knees) pull ups (full body or assisted), chest presses and biceps curls (with a bar, dumbbells or resistance cord).
Added Leg Strength - these will assist you on the run and in lots of places along the way. Perform squats, not too deep and body weight is plenty) and lunges (keep the knees at 90 degrees).
Maintenance - With this new activity you would do well to add in a few things that will help heal you quickly after every workout so you'll be ready for another soon after.
Stretch - do this after each workout and be sure to get the calves, quads and hamstrings.
Hydrate - drink a bit more water than normal to help offset the fluid lost during exercise. An electrolyte drink can help too but mind those calories.
Food as Fuel - protein to repair muscles, low glycemic carbohydrates for longer lasting energy and good fat (nuts, nut butters, avocado, etc) all serve a purpose for you, the athlete.
Massage - after a solid workout a professional massage is great but even a firm "self massage" can help ease muscle discomfort and have you ready for the next day.

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